Wednesday, November 23, 2016

THE DIET PALEO. Explained and in detail

All the details of the paleo diet, what to eat and what to avoid. Start easily to lose weight and have better health in the footsteps of our ancestors.

General resume

Eat: vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, oils, spices, and herbs. In smaller amounts tubers and other roots.

Do not eat: sugar or processed grains (flour, wheat, corn, cereals, pasta, bread).


The diet of most people today in the "developed" world is very high in carbohydrates.   In a simplified way the human body has the following system to obtain the energy that makes us function daily:

Its fastest energy resource is "sugar" (carbohydrates), which it converts into glycogen and which it uses for strong and explosive efforts as well as long sustained efforts.
The slowest resource is fat, which is used as a source of energy in less demanding activities (walking, jogging, etc.)

The problem is that the body can only store a few carbohydrates so that they are ready to be used as fast energy (because your body is designed to live in an environment where there are very few carbohydrates).

This way when you get up in the morning and have coffee with a cupcake or some cookies and fill your "sugar" reserves. The remaining carbohydrates you consume are converted to fat that is stored in your body for use as energy in the future.

Our ancestors only ate plants and animals (in many different ways) to get all the nutrients they needed. In addition, they ate much more sporadically, because they did not have a constant supply of foods as we have today, that is why the human being adapted to store energy as fat to be used as energy in times of scarcity. This way most people currently eat excessively large amounts of carbohydrates stores much faster than they spend, so by taking a proper diet you can change this and that this system plays to your advantage, maintaining an optimal level of body fat And stabilizing your appetite and energy levels.

In this article, I present a way to eat healthy by reducing the consumption of processed carbohydrates (not only sugar but also cultivated grains, including whole grains), which produces the effect of moderating insulin production. This simple change will help you avoid the unpleasant immediate physical effects of a typical high carbohydrate diet, help you succeed in your weight loss goals, and prevent many of the health problems and diseases related to the modern lifestyle.


The basis of your diet should be vegetables. Second is the meat, fish, and eggs. And finally fruit, nuts, seeds, oils (olive or coconut), spices and herbs.

It's that simple. If you want to simplify it, even more, you could say that you must eat plants (vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices) and animal products (meat, fish, and eggs).
While vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices do not provide many calories, they should be the main source of carbohydrates (the few you are going to consume) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.).

Nuts, seeds, and animal products are calorically dense, stimulate minimal insulin production and are a perfect source of healthy protein and fat.

It may take a while for you to focus your diet on vegetables, as we are so used to eating processed, packaged, and high-carbohydrate things. Do not follow the example of restaurants that serve small amounts of vegetables as decoration and serve large portions of them that fill your plate. Enjoy raw vegetables, stews, boiled or baked. Make delicious vegetable creams, buy some that you have never tried and find out about the best recipes.

In the Paleolithic era, most of the calories in the human diet came from eating all kinds of animals, including insects, amphibians, birds, their eggs, fish and shellfish, small mammals and sometimes larger ones. Those humans who lived near the equator ate more plants and fewer animals, while those living in colder latitudes had fewer plants at their disposal and consumed more meat.

These meals provided them with considerable amounts of protein and all kinds of fatty acids and vitamins. It is estimated that in times of plenty they ate between 300 and 400 grams of protein and up to 200 grams or more of fat in a day and yet they maintained a lean and slender physique. Of course, they also consumed very few carbohydrates so they maintained low insulin levels and were excellent using fat as an energy source.


Today the number of toxic agents in our diet is worse than ever. By toxic I mean manufactured products that are foreign to our genes and that alter the normal and healthy functioning of the human body.

Worst of all are obvious: soft drinks, sugars, chemically altered fats and highly processed foods.

However, other foods are generally accepted as healthy or energetic even though they are also "poison" in our diet: processed grains (cereals, wheat, flour and their derivatives, bread, pasta, corn etc.).

You have read well, these products are generally unsuitable for human consumption since our digestive system and our genes have not had time to adapt to the protein structure of the grains and the excessive carbohydrate load of all forms of cultivated grains, including Integral.

Avoid completely:

v Anything with sugar: soft drinks, juices, sweets etc.
v Anything with flour, wheat, corn: bread, pasta, pizza etc.
v Only eat from time to time and in small quantity.

Although not exactly what our ancestors ate, a moderate consumption of the following foods can add a nutritional benefit to your diet without negative consequences, as long as they are not given much prominence. If your goal is a reduction to ambitious levels of body fat (less than 10%) you should also eliminate these foods.

In this case, we talk about: coffee, dairy products, alcohol, chocolate and rice (avoid other than white rice).

In this category would also enter legumes, which are rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, but are low in protein compared to meat and quite high in carbohydrates.


If this diet supposes a very significant change with respect to your current diet, it is advisable that you make changes gradually, since a sudden change can cause you to fail. I prefer that you gradually change the way you eat so that it becomes easier to get used to you, always keeping the final goal in mind. For example, start removing the soft drinks, or may be the bread and when you are used to taking another step, such as removing the pasta or juices. This way you will have more chances of success.


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