Friday, November 18, 2016

Everything You Need to Know About the Paleo Diet

The new and old regimes

The paleo diet (also called men cave diet, primitive diet, the diet of the Stone Age and the hunter-gatherer diet) is very popular these days, and go for a simple question: What do a caveman eat? Here, we explain what the Paleo diet, its advantages and disadvantages, and ultimately that a modern person must know to decide whether to take the deep Paleo diet.

Paleo premise                                                                              
The work of the Paleo diet with the same food that our ancestors called hunters and collectors ate fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and nuts. Following these nutritional recommendations, we are consistent with the development of the pressures that have shaped our current genetics, which in turn has a positive effect on health and well-being. The reduced glycemic load diet of the body that has saturated a healthy relationship with unsaturated fatty acids increases the intake of vitamins and nutrients and maintain an optimal balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Experts disagree about the benefits       

In fact, the health benefits of the Paleo diet are not proven. Our ancestors ate in this way and did not have many chronic diseases that we do, but that does not mean that the food they eat is why  drawing that conclusion would be like saying we live three times longer than our Paleolithic ancestors because we eat fast food.One small study published in the journal Diabetologia found that diet improves the blood glucose level over 12 weeks compared to a Mediterranean that allows the grains to produce low-fat milk products and oils but it is difficult to tell whether investigators have the same results In a larger study.

What's on the menu?                                                                   

Fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fresh meat, Paleo nutrition includes foods that eat directly from the earth, like our ancestors. These ancestors are not cattle or crops, so Cordain advised to go with plant and organic, whenever possible limit exposure to pesticides, antibiotics and other chemicals that existed at the time. Emory University research suggests that the people of Paleolithic age receive about 35% of their calories from fat, 35% carbohydrates, and 30% protein.

Paleo comes with community

One of the greatest benefits of the Paleo diet is not at all about diet, it is paleo eaters mutually support each other. Online community forums, Facebook sites and even meet up groups filled with people who live the old way of life in modern times. You will not find with many other diets.

Go Paleo mean modern food offerings

Anything that comes in a can, glass or bag should be avoided in the paleo diet like anything that was not consumed at the time. That is, no grains, dairy products, salt, or legumes (including peanuts, beans, lentils, and soybeans), according to Robb Wolf, a former biochemist research paleo expert and author of The Paleo Solution. While the potatoes are generally banned in food, Wolff said they are ready to eat in moderation as long as they gain them through the year (more on that below). Alcohol and honey are also generally considered paleo no-no's, but red wine tends to be the next option for Paleo drink, and honey is preferred to prefer table sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Paleo is a lifestyle

The Paleo diet is not a temporary diet. It is supposed to be a way of life, as it is thousands of years. They will not only stop when and when it starts to feel better or reach your goal weight that comes out for the long term.

Paleo is not just food

Exercise is an essential part of the life equation of your genetic code. Survival in the Stone Age style of a constant life on the road meant that probably more than 4000 calories per day. Even most people who meet the gym regularly do not eat that many calories, but the principle of food as a fuel for the current financial year.

Cut processed foods improve health

Although diet as a whole has not been well investigated, it could be tremendous to cut the benefits of packaged food from your diet. Three-quarters of the sodium intake of the average American (which is nearly twice as high as it should be!) Comes from commercially produced foods. And a public health study found that people who cook at least five times a week are 47% rather later still alive 10 years compared to those who rely on processed foods more.

It is impossible to imitate completely our ancestors

Our ancestors do not pursue cows and chickens in nature. They hunted hunting, antelopes, buffaloes, and probably some animals that have never been extinct. His meat was usually quite thin and in good health Omega-3 provided more modern meat animals, including grass, fed. Many plants that have thrived at the time are also nowadays extinct, which makes it impossible to really follow your meal plan.

You can eat too much protein

Experts assume that our ancestors consume a ratio of one to a calorie of meat production. Since you eat a lot of salads to consume the same amount of calories in a steak, paleo diet should include mainly fruits and vegetables. However, many people do not know that and eat too much meat. Consuming excess protein and not enough carbohydrates can cause kidney damage and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Since most of the meat than last year's saturated fats are now higher, you can increase the risk of heart disease.

Most Paleo prohibited foods are good for you

Every modality believes he has discovered the root of all evil. But the nutrients in legumes, whole grain products, and dairy products that are not allowed in the Paleo diet can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, and promote healthy Weight, he said. The refrigerated shelf, the most important source of calcium and vitamin D in the modern diet, is of particular importance for women who want to prevent osteoporosis.

The Paleo diet is difficult      

Eating Paleo requires a lot of planning, preparation time and mental resolution. For example, like the question, the chicken is not so easy to eat in the diet outdoors and have a salad. Thinking: What cooked chicken oil? Is the salad ingredients processed, packaged or canned? "As with any elimination diet long plaza.Mientras simply do not achieve weight loss is by far not the only goal of eating Paleo, going up and away from the diet can lead to great weight changes." A muscle and fat, and is caused by a weight gain of fat Generally completed, which contributes to a slower metabolism and increased insulin resistance.



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